Indigenous examples, the cov-cho and some tips against the end of the world




indigenous thinking, covid-19, Qom People, Gran Chaco


The objective of this essay is to put into dialogue certain perspectives of the ends of the world narrated by the Qom indigenous people of the Gran Chaco Argentino and the events unfolding by the current Covid-19 pandemic. In order to ‘familiarize’ the virus, we will call it Covi-cho and place it in tension with the ‘models’ and the ‘examples’ that the anthropologist Viveiros de Castro proposed in a 2019 manuscript. As we will show, the ends of the world to the indigenous groups of Argentina have performed once and several times, at the rhythm of the creation of the modern nation. Despite this, they are still there, resisting in their accretions. In a context like the contemporary one, where the States are testing ‘models’ to protect the health of citizens, we will ask ourselves: can these indigenous ‘examples’ teach us something about the current global health crisis?


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Author Biography

  • Celeste Medrano, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    CONICET, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas /UBA


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Articles and Essays

How to Cite

Medrano, C. (2020). Indigenous examples, the cov-cho and some tips against the end of the world. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 29(supl), 173-181.