Muslim inflencers on Instagram




Mulism Women; Instagram; Influencers; Digital Content; Engagement.


Considering the popularization of social media and the rise of related professions, this study aimed to understand what makes Muslim influencers and analyze the amount of engagement garnered depending on what type of content was published in those accounts. In order to achieve that, the Instagram profiles of the influencers Mag Halat, Fabiola Oliveira and Mariam Chami were chosen and analyzed by the type of content and the engagement of followers in their publications, in order to understand how representation and visibility can affect this correlation. The follower engagement was analyzed using a quantitative and qualitative approach, both in the feed and in the stories. Therefore, it was possible to observe how the three profiles are important to assure the representation of Muslim women on Instagram. By establishing themselves as influencers, they contribute to bringing knowledge and awareness about Islam to the general public, thus demystifying misconceptions, disseminating information and fighting against prejudice, each in their own way.


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How to Cite

Batista, M. R. G., Andreossi , V. F. ., Moreno, B. E. ., Sakiyama, B. E., & Campos Barbosa, . F. C. . (2022). Muslim inflencers on Instagram. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 31(1), e183331.