‘’Por esse amor não peço nada em troca’’.

el trabajo voluntário en la Torcida Uniformizada do Fortaleza


  • Matheus Braga Ximenes Universidade Estadual do Ceará




This article aims to analyze the actions of the Fortaleza Uniformized Fan (TUF), which has as one of its objectives not only to encourage the Fortaleza Esporte Clube team in the stands, but also to reform and expand the physical patrimony of the club through campaigns. raising money and building material. The analysis takes into account football as a field, in the terms used by Pierre Bourdieu, a space marked by the dispute of its own symbolic capital and specific forms of consecration. Based on the speeches of the fans through interviews, as well as observing the meetings held at the Headquarters, it was observed that the group has gained prestige, being considered by the fans a model of Organized Cheering to be followed. This growth in the value of membership, in this social space where giving, giving without expecting something in return, sacrifice in the name of something greater (the club), and the suppression of individual interests are considered supreme values, has been conquered from two modes of public expression of disinterest: first, for some financial gain, explained by the constant disclosure in the media of accountability of what is collected from the fans, and finally by the renunciation of the pursuit of consecration, that is, by the very form specific symbolic capital at stake.


Los datos de descarga aún no están disponibles.


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Artigos e Ensaios

Cómo citar

Ximenes, M. B. (2019). ‘’Por esse amor não peço nada em troca’’.: el trabajo voluntário en la Torcida Uniformizada do Fortaleza. Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo, 1991), 28(2), 108-127. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9133.v28i2p108-127