Problems of contemporary migrations in Portugal


  • Maria Beatriz Rocha-Trindade Universidade Aberta



Portugal, Emigration, Immigration, European space


Traditionally considered an emigration country, Portugal just turned to be regarded as an immigration country since the last decades of the XX th country. Contradicting the initial expectations, the Portuguese people continued to go out, although in not so big numbers, but the European destinies have been modified, and in general the whole profile of the Portuguese emigration has changed significantly. The interest of the estate in keeping the affective links of those living out of the country has remained, but the new forms of mobility inside the European space have given place to events that express kinds of unexpected abuse and exploration. The volume and heterogeneity of the people that are rushing to Portugal and are establishing in its territory have created unexpected situations. It has generated a new social problematic, and its implications constrained to establish an innovative policy - reflecting on multiple aspects - that tries to cover all the national territory. It is extraordinarily interesting to book at the numbers, the destinies and the precedence from those who leave and those who come from and Portugal. It must be done before exposing the current actions developed by institutional spaces of tutorship from one and another immigrant groups - national and foreigners as much as by civil society facing the new situations the country is passing by that will be defined in a transnational perspective.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Beatriz Rocha-Trindade, Universidade Aberta

    Professora da Universidade Aberta de Portugal e pesquisadora do Centro de Estudos das MigraÁıes e das Rela-
    Áıes Interculturais/CEMRI





Dossiê Amazônia

How to Cite

Rocha-Trindade, M. B. (2008). Problems of contemporary migrations in Portugal. Cadernos CERU, 19(1), 81-97.