Mapping of rural protestantism in the sheet of Brazilian "caipira" culture


  • Lidice Meyer Pinto Ribeiro Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras; Departamento de Antropologia; Grupo de Antropologia Jurídica, Agrária e Ambiental



Protestantism, Rural Protestantism, Presbyterianism, Rural Anthropology, Anthropology of Religion


In the peasant society described by Antonio Candido, we observe the existence of a historic Protestantism that has it's own characteristics, including beliefs and interpretations that are closer to peasant Catholicism than to the proper Protestantism. This kind of Protestantism, which I call rural Protestantism, clearly contrasts in ethos, operation and life style, with urban Protestantism. Its defining characteristics are those studied by Antônio Mendonça: intimacy with the sacred (diffuse, polytheistic and messianic religiosity with emphasis on saints and magic) and playfulness. This paper aims to investigate the propagation of this special kind of Protestantism which resulted from syncretism of the values brought by Reformed or Calvinist missionaries with the pre-existing peasant values. It is based on analysis of historical documentation of wider character on the Presbiteriana Church in Brazil and the scope of the religion on which the study is based. Our goal is to enhance the understanding of the formative processes of Protestantism in Brazil by exposing this little-known entity, rural Protestantism.


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Author Biography

  • Lidice Meyer Pinto Ribeiro, Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras; Departamento de Antropologia; Grupo de Antropologia Jurídica, Agrária e Ambiental
    Doutora em Antropologia Social pela FFLCH/USP, professora da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, membro GAAIA - – Grupo de Antropologia Jurídica, Agrária e Ambiental (Dep. Antropologia/FFLCH/USP).





Dossiê Amazônia

How to Cite

Ribeiro, L. M. P. (2008). Mapping of rural protestantism in the sheet of Brazilian "caipira" culture. Cadernos CERU, 19(2), 113-128.