Development, construction of democracy and nationality In African countries: challenge for the millennium


  • Kabengele Munanga Universidade de São Paulo



Development. Nationality. Democracy. Peace. Diversity. Wars.


Text of the opening conference of the symposium on reflection on the 30 years since the death of Samora Machel, organized by the African Studies Center of the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo, from September 1-3, 2016. It addresses the challenges that many African countries find to build the peace necessary to build their nationalities, their democracies and the processes of their socio-economic development. In Mozambique, as in many other countries of the continent, the hostilities of the civil war, which were thought to have already been overcome, are again returning. Hence the need for this symposium, whose reflections started from the political legacy of Samora Machel. The conference started with a reflection on the general situation of the countries of the continent under similar conditions, in order to finally get closer to Mozambique.


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Author Biography

  • Kabengele Munanga, Universidade de São Paulo

    Professor Titular do Departamento de Antropologia da FFLCH da USP. Ex-diretor do Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade de São Paulo. Atualmente é professor visitante sênior da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia





Dossiê Amazônia

How to Cite

Munanga, K. (2016). Development, construction of democracy and nationality In African countries: challenge for the millennium. Cadernos CERU, 27(2), 45-56.