«Não basta ser mulher para ser justa»: resistência à marginalização de Paulina Chiziane fora do registo ficcional


  • Cremildo Bahule Universidade Eduardo Mondlane




In the perspective of refl ecting women’s marginalization, this article examines the ideal of women’s resistance in Mozambique. It also establishes the historical-cultural references that recreate the discrimination of women and their personality, starting from the tradition that functions as an instrument of social control. In this sense, Chiziane acquires a learned effi cacy and transports such social enigmas inserted in the Mozambican society. In the imaginary of the Tsonga tradition, for example, there is still an abundance of the idea that the woman should carry muggles and be submissive because she was lovolada (refering to the lovolada - traditional marriage practiced in Mozambique). The awareness of the marginalization of women is still predominant as far as the presuppositions of engendering, they lead us to a path that must be followed blindly. As a consequence, the woman perceives herself as a marginal being. His voice is pledged in the name of society, hegemonically, male. However, in the logic of resistance, according to Chiziane, the woman engenders a new utopia: resistance, the intermediate space where fragmentation can settle, even in struggle, thus defying the controlling power of the dominator. When women resist marginalization, they basically subsidize two complementary purposes: (i) a survival strategy within a battlefi eld and (ii) an aggregating element of the human fabric in Mozambican society. Chiziane constructs, even if utopian, a logic of opposition of the woman. Chiziane’s intention for resistance rests on the recognition that man must give the designs of feminism. Thinking like Anderson (1989) women want to engender a new “social consciousness” within the Mozambican social fabric.


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Author Biography

  • Cremildo Bahule, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

    Ensaísta moçambicano e pesquisador independente. Poeta, editor e membro do concelho
    editorial da revista brasileira Griots: Literaturas e Culturas Africanas. Entre 2007-2010,
    investigador associado da UDS [Unidade de Diagnóstico Social] do CEA [Centro de
    Estudos Africanos] da UEM [Universidade Eduardo Mondlane]. Entre 2010-2013,
    investigador do ARPAC (Instituto de Investigação Sócio Cultural). Participou, como
    investigador, na elaboração do livro: Multiculturalidade e Plurilinguismo – Tradição
    Oral e Educação Plurilingue na África Central e Austral (www.contafrica.com). Dos
    livros publicados, destacam-se: Carlos Cardoso – Um Poeta de Consciência Profética
    (Alcance Editores, 2010), Literatura feminina, Literatura de Purifi cação: O Processo de
    Ascese da Mulher na Trilogia de Paulina Chiziane (Ndjira, 2013). Actualmente, editor
    da Khuzula.



How to Cite

Bahule, C. (2018). «Não basta ser mulher para ser justa»: resistência à marginalização de Paulina Chiziane fora do registo ficcional. Cadernos CERU, 29(1), 101-112. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2595-2536.v29i1p101-112