Social economics impacts in families of small rural enterprises of sugarcane in the state of Goiás


  • Valterlan Teixeira Araújo



Culture, Exclusion, Sucroalcooleira industry


This comunication has as objective to discuss the cultural impacts in families of agriculturists in the state of Goiás inherent to the increasing introduction of the agricultural enterprise of the sugar cane. The cane industry in Brazil, historically preconizes the centralization of lands and capital. Presents, also a tendency of technologic verticalization economizing and exclusing the human labor. The familiar production, by its time, has been playing the part of the offering of products that compose the basic chest of the low-revenue, contributing in the stave of exportation of agricultural origin, which optimizes and diversifies the human and ambiental sources. In this context, a priori, thinks that the cultivation of sugar cane, in this region, will induce a fast desarticulization of the production of these families, don't giving time for public or private politics to be able to absorb the contingent of human labor that will be idle, and consequently, will migrate to the city peripheries. In this context, through an in locu interview, will be constituted rural family historics of life previously selected through the stratified sample, searching to verify in the imaginary of these people the sediments and values of the native culture and the transformations in course. In this sense, with this search, intends to join new looks about this questions, transforming into learning.


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Author Biography

  • Valterlan Teixeira Araújo
    Mestre em História pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás/PUC-GO





Dossiê Amazônia

How to Cite

Araújo, V. T. (2011). Social economics impacts in families of small rural enterprises of sugarcane in the state of Goiás. Cadernos CERU, 22(1), 95-112.