Over the waters of the Rio Tietê: the Party of Divine Laras (SP)


  • Neusa de Fátima Mariano UFSCar




Divine, Laras, Popular religiosity, Rio Tietê


The Brotherhood of the Divine Laras out on pilgrimage, the waters
of the Tietê River, and takes the flag of the Divine to bless the people who visit and asks that offers lunch or landing. So it has been for years, keeping the tradition. The peculiarity of the Feast of Divine Laras is that it remains in its ritual, apart from that originating in Portugal, spread by Queen Dona Isabel. Generally, the Feast of the Divine in Brazil bring representations of Sceptre and Crown, Emperor and Empress as references to that held in Portugal. In Laras, the ritual is in its origin a local story. All passages Party today refer to a past of the town, the collective memory of the place, thus perpetuating a strong territorial


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Author Biography

  • Neusa de Fátima Mariano, UFSCar
    Profa. Dra. do Curso de Licenciatura em Geografia da UFSCar-Sorocaba



Dossiê Amazônia

How to Cite

Mariano, N. de F. (2013). Over the waters of the Rio Tietê: the Party of Divine Laras (SP). Cadernos CERU, 24(1), 235-254. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2595-2536.v24i1p235-254