The toy, memory of a society


  • Josseline Ivette Cabanne Centro Uruguaio para o Desenvolvimento do Ser Humano (CEDESERH)



Toy, symbol, cultural identity, playful objects of the XXth century.


The toy, full of symbolic connotation, reflects the cultural identity of a society and consists of an object that can play the role of social mirror. When we watch the toys, they get a new signification, arousing in the gazer several degrees of appropriation and reinterpretation of these objects. It is essential that society becomes aware of this heritage’s  importance and takes into account its fragility – heritage can be lost – and belonging – the heritage belongs to society as a whole. The rescue of the culture’s toys and games and, more specifically, of the society to which we belong is important to strengthen and warrant the cultural identity. Knowing and playing with toys and games from our parents and  grandparents reinforce complex identity networks among child, adult and their community.


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Author Biography

  • Josseline Ivette Cabanne, Centro Uruguaio para o Desenvolvimento do Ser Humano (CEDESERH)
    Graduada em História, Cultura e Patrimônio. Professora pós-graduada em Educação Artística.
    Integrante da equipe docente do “Postgrado: La expresión en Educación Inicial” no Instituto Uruguaio de Educação pela Arte. Autora de obras e artigos em publicações vinculadas à Educação Artística e Patrimônio. Integrante da equipe diretora do Centro Uruguaio para o Desenvolvimento do Ser Humano (CEDESERH).



How to Cite

Cabanne, J. I. (2012). The toy, memory of a society. Comunicação & Educação, 17(1), 63-72.