Ruth Ribas Itacarambi and the trajectory of activities for the classroom


  • Ruth Ribas Itacarambi Universidade de São Paulo - USP



Ruth Ribas Itacarambi, Activities in the Classroom, Communication & Education, memory.


Ruth Ribas Itacarambi has a Math degree and large experience in Education. She is, since the 2000s, working with multisciplinary studies and has since then contributed to Communication and Education with the section calle "Activities in the Classroom". In this testimony, which is also a hommage to her dedication to this publication, the professor tell us a little about her trajectory, specially in the Education field. She also presents us with a historical compilation of this journal most significant issues.


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Author Biography

  • Ruth Ribas Itacarambi, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

    Doutora pela Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo; educadora aposentada do IME-USP. Pesquisadora e professora do Instituto Singularidades e coordenadora do grupo GCIEM (Grupo Colaborativo de Investigação em Educação Matemática).



How to Cite

Itacarambi, R. R. (2016). Ruth Ribas Itacarambi and the trajectory of activities for the classroom. Comunicação & Educação, 21(2), 113-126.