Tendências dos Estudos de Recepção


  • Robert A. White




Audience studies, Symbolic Interactionism, Cultural Consensus, Mediations, means of mass communication, reception, popular culture


Tendencies in the Studies of Audience is the second part of the article Audience interpretation of media: emerging perspectives – the first part of which was published in Comunicação & Educação n.12, May/Aug. 1998, p.57-76. It presents the differents approaches that the Reception Studies have acquired with the contribution and influence of authors from the United States, Europe, and Latin America. It analyzes the communicational process as a multiplicity of interrelations that take place in the constitution of the meanings that circulate in the society, extrapolating the linear perspective of the direct effects of communication as the transmission of information. The approaches of Symbolic Interactionism, of the Cultural Consensus Studies and of the theoretical line of Mediations, as the logic of production and consumption.



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How to Cite

White, R. A. (1998). Tendências dos Estudos de Recepção. Comunicação & Educação, 13, 41-66. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9125.v0i13p41-66