Activities with Comunicação & Educação n. 23


  • Ruth Ribas Itacarambi Universidade de São Paulo / Instituto de Matemática e Estática



teaching activities, inter-disciplinarity, new technologies, ethics, violence, globalization, culture


Activities with Comunicação & Educação n. 23 brings three classroom teaching activity proposals with the articles published in this edition. The proposals, to be developed with the articles, show how teachers can: contextualise the knowledge of most areas and disciplines into the work world; put the technologies in cultural expression and in the current world’s politics into discussion; discuss, in the ambit of ethics and values, the matter of generalized and institutionalized violence. The author’s objectives consider the inter-disciplinarity currently defended by the Curricular Parameters, which, in the 1960’s and 1970’s, used to be worked on with the study of the medium in public schools of reference. Today, these proposals can be enhanced to all disciplines and not only to the natural and human sciences, as they used to be.


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How to Cite

Itacarambi, R. R. (2002). Activities with Comunicação & Educação n. 23. Comunicação & Educação, 23, 131-136.