Communication/education: reinterpretation of the communication technologies field


  • Roseli Fígaro Universidade de São Paulo



new technologies, media, communication/ education, school, teacher.


This paper discusses the importance of understanding the use of information and communication technologies in the educational space. It is assumed that they are products of the cultural market oriented logic, with well-targeted language and use, and that, once introduced in schools, they go through a process of  reinterpretation. Educators must understand such techniques
and languages complexities to, by utilization, give them a new direction and signification in the task of forming new citizens.


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Author Biography

  • Roseli Fígaro, Universidade de São Paulo
    Professora doutora na Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo, com pós-doutorado na Universidade de Provence, França. Pesquisadora do grupo de pesquisa do Arquivo Miroel Silveira, bem como pesquisadora e coordenadora do grupo de pesquisa Comunicação e Trabalho ECA-USP/CNPq. Foi editora executiva da revista
    Comunicação & Educação de 1995 a 2003.



How to Cite

Fígaro, R. (2010). Communication/education: reinterpretation of the communication technologies field. Comunicação & Educação, 15(3), 7-15.