Youth culture and identity: Rio funk representations in London


  • Jamile Dalpiaz



Music, cinema, youth culture, identity, representation.


This research focuses on Brazilian funk being promoted in London. The main aim is to analyze the phenomenon of funk music created in the slum context in Rio de Janeiro and to identify how it has been represented in UK. To better illustrate this theme, this essay’s focus is the documentary I’m ugly but trendy. This study is
divided into sections. The first reading is concerned with the significance of funk in Rio’s slums, by exploring the relationship
between youth slum people, funk music and local identity. The second is concerned with the representations of funk carioca
displayed through the film. The video has been selected as a multimodal text.


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Author Biography

  • Jamile Dalpiaz
    Mestre em Mídia, Comunicação e Estudos Culturais pelas universidades de Florença (Dispo) e Londres (Institute of Education), na Inglaterra, e em Comunicação e Informação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGCOM/UFRGS).



How to Cite

Dalpiaz, J. (2011). Youth culture and identity: Rio funk representations in London. Comunicação & Educação, 16(1), 67-76.