Educommunication for women’s citizenship




Founded on the understanding of the relationship between the fields of communication and feminism, this paper argues that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) — which have the internet its highest expression — are not an end, but a tool for social transformation. With revolution of ICTs, the fight for gender equality in social relationships faces the challenge to change minds. Concurrently with the technological revolution, revolutions on learning and personal and interpersonal expressionm occur, leading to other forms of representation of women in light of the new communication dynamics. It is through educommunicative actions and distance communication that we can envision a reformulation of the feminist agenda, with new political intervention and performance strategies.


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Author Biography

  • Vera de Fátima Vieira, ECA/USP
    Mestre e Doutora em Comunicação/ Feminismo pela USP/ECA. É diretora-executiva da Associação Mulheres pela Paz.


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How to Cite

Vieira, V. de F. (2016). Educommunication for women’s citizenship. Comunicação & Educação, 21(1), 61-71.