Reforma agrária: de eleições a eleições


  • José Juliano de Carvalho Filho USP; FEA; Departamento de Economia


This article, taking advantage of the presidential election nearness, presents two reports: the first one recollects the treatment given to the land property issue during the past presidential electing period, and the second examines the accomplishment of the land policy of the Fernando Henrique Cardoso's government, opposing to the social movements' struggle. The general conclusion is that the governmental initiatives have essentially been provoked by the aggravation of the land conflicts and by the attitudes of the social movements, in special the MST (peasants' movement), weighty nevertheless with the land property policy conservative attitude. Aspiring the next election contest, the government shows some initiatives towards the land property reform, trying nevertheless to disqualify the social movements' struggle.


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Dossiê: Questão Agrária

How to Cite

Carvalho Filho, J. J. de. (1997). Reforma agrária: de eleições a eleições . Estudos Avançados, 11(31), 99-109.