Word Collocation Dictionary or Word Combination Dictionary? A User-oriented Perspective





Collocations, Free and word combinations, Multi-word units, Idioms, Sense ordering


This paper examines some of the methodological choices faced by the lexicographer wishing to compile a dictionary of collocations. Should entries exclusively come from a ‘basic vocabulary’ or should their list be the result of a ‘bottom-up’ process, i.e. an ex-post extraction of the bases of all collocations collected (e.g. by means of extraction from corpora)? In terms of cohesion and syntactic rigidity, collocations distribute themselves along a continuum whose boundaries are delimited by free combinations on the one side and by idioms on the other. Which ‘borderline’ word combinations, such as multi-word units, should be included in the dictionary? In more general terms, how theoretical and how user-oriented should a collocations dictionary be? Finally, should sense ordering in polysemous noun entries reflect that of general dictionaries or should a sort of ‘magnifying glass’ be applied, in order to capture those sense variations which select specific verb collocations?


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Author Biography

  • Francesco Urzì, Parlamento europeo

    Autore è entrato a far parte nel 1982 dell’équipe di traduttori italiani del Parlamento europeo, dove ha proseguito la sua attività di Traduttore e Revisore fino al giugno 2014. È noto come autore del Dizionario delle Combinazioni Lessicali, primo Dizionario di collocazioni pubblicato per la lingua italiana. Autore di articoli su temi di traduttologia e fraseologia, è regolarmente invitato a tenere presentazioni, conferenze e seminari in varie università europee. 


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How to Cite

Urzì, F. (2020). Word Collocation Dictionary or Word Combination Dictionary? A User-oriented Perspective. Revista De Italianística, 40, 114-126. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-8281.i40p114-126