Body image dissatisfaction during adolescence and its relation to sexual maturation


  • Maria A Conti Universidade de São Paulo; Facul dade de Saúde Pública; Departamento de Nutrição
  • Ana M D Gambardella Universidade de São Paulo; Facul dade de Saúde Pública; Departamento de Nutrição
  • Maria F P Frutuoso Universidade de São Paulo; Facul dade de Saúde Pública; Departamento de Nutrição



Adolescence, Body image, Sexual maturation


Severe behavioral problems related to feeding habits, with repercussion on body presentation, perception and image, and related to feeding practices have, nowadays, its prevalence increased. The present study aimed to verify adolescents' perception regarding body image dissatisfaction. We analyzed students of a private school, aged 10 to 14, of both sexes. The boys and girls were divided for the analysis based on their age, transformed into sexual maturation phase. To assess body image perception, an adapted body satisfaction scale was applied, composed of 15 body areas. Boys showed more dissatisfaction with weight, waist and stomach. Girls with weight, chest/breast and stomach. The association between sexual maturation and body satisfaction was significant, among the boys, for the shoulder/back area, while among girls, the significant areas were: face, hair, hip, stomach, waist, chest/breast, muscle strength, height and general aspects. We concluded that post-pubescent girls proved to be more susceptible to the manifestation of body dissatisfaction when compared with their peers.


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