Health and power: a study about hegemonical and subaltern speeches in multicultural contexts


  • Ondina P. Pereira Universidade Católica de Brasília; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia
  • Tânia M. Almeida Universidade Católica de Brasília; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia



Saúde, Ética, Religião, Discurso médico e subalternidade, Health, Ethical, Religion, Medical speech and subalternity


The difficulty of communication between health professionals and popular communities are well known and appears mainly in the inefficacy of the treatments such as the official medicine prescribes them, as well as in the dissatisfaction, on the part of the users, with its results. In this article, we analyze this situation, placing in relief the ethical importance of listening to, for the professionals of the health, the speeches and extra-scientific knowledge on the illness and the health affirmed by such communities. Listening most sensible will be able to give visibility to the elements that hinder the communication accomplish, providing the restitution of the reciprocity in the communication, which means the refusal and the transformation of the relations of subalternity established there.


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