The transition to marriage in cohabiting and non-cohabiting couples


  • Clarissa C. Menezes
  • Rita de C. S. Lopes



Marriage, Cohabitants, Non cohabitants, Conjugality, Individuality


This study aimed to analyze the way cohabitant and non cohabitant couples go trough the transition to marriage, from the previous semester up to the end of the first year after the marriage. The participants were four adult couples, two cohabitants and two no-cohabitants. The interviews with each participants were analyzed through qualitative content analysis, which generated some thematic axes: the individuality and the conjugality, the the wedding ceremony and the evaluation of the relationship; and the relationship with the family of origin. The results revealed that there was a trend towards polarization and stability in what refers to the individuality and the conjugality and to the relationship with the families of origin and that there were no difference between the cohabitant and the non cohabitant couples in these aspects. As far as the evaluation of the relationship and of the wedding ceremony is concerned, some differences were found between cohabitants and non cohabitants.


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