THerapeutic interventions for children's and adolescents's families assisted in psychosocial care centres from São Paulo state


  • Caroline Dombi-Barbosa LASAMEC.
  • Moacyr Miniussi Bertolino Neto LASAMEC.
  • Felipe Lessa Fonseca LASAMEC.
  • Carlos Mendes Tavares LASAMEC.
  • Alberto Olavo Advincula Reis LASAMEC.



families, therapeutic intervention, mental health, family group


The Psychosocial Care Centers for children and adolescents (CAPSi) are strategic elements of mental public health attention for children and adolescents suffering from persistent and severe mental disorders. They are articulated in a network that goes over the health field and interacts with the territory resources of a community in order to promote social inclusion of children and adolescents and they may also count on the partnership of families, society, schools and other sectors. In the list of their therapeutic practices there is specific time reserved to the attendance of families when it is considered a necessary measure for the children and adolescents in focus. OBJECTIVE: to identify therapeutical practices offered to families of children and adolescents from CAPSi. METHOD: transversal study in children and adolescents who are assisted in CAPSi, selected randomly, from 19 CAPSi of São Paulo state from September 2008 to February 2009. The descriptive analysis was presented through tables with number and percentage. RESULTS: mothers were shown as the main caregiver of the population studied. However, it is important to say that many files had no registration about attendance or proposals directed to the families. CONCLUSION: the main therapeutic practice indicated for families is group intervention. Families have not been privileged in the therapeutic practices in the projects of the population from CAPSi. Failures in files registration may have been a limitation of the study. The actions are preponderantly institutional and the activities out side of the service are incipient.


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