A connecting device - report of experience of PAI-PJ/TJMG, a policy for the full attention to the insane lawbreaker in Belo Horizonte


  • Fernanda Otoni de Barros-Brisset Pontifiícia Universidade Católica de Minas Geraisi




security, clinical competence, public policy


This study attempts to show that solutions of sociability can only be achieved when the patient with mental disorders counts with the secretary of a complex and multifaceted program which is not built by a few hands, or in a short time. We must be aware of the solutions of the subject and its connections to the contributions of the various segment of the society, in promoting the expansion of ties of sociability of the insane offenders in the interstices and on the main roads of their relations of coexistence. The Program PAI-PJ, as a connecting device, demonstrates this possibility.


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Original Research