
  • Moneda Oliveira Ribeiro



street children, family, violence, school health.


This paper focuses on part of the data of the author’s thesis about the trajectory of a group of school-aged street children who used to attend two public shelters in the city of Sao
Paulo. The data, gathered by means of interviews, were analyzed according to the theories of Social Representation and Analysis of Contents, following BARDIN’s and MlNAYO’s ideas.
The thematic categories arising from the transcribed discourse were grouped into meaningful experiences for the children, among which we find “the family”. The synthesis of the analyzed categories clearly showed that violence permeates the lives of those children, resulting in experiences that restrict their full development. The author identifies that the children run away from home when their family fails in giving them protection and love. The author concludes that the solution depends on the implementation of social and health policies, directed mainly to the child-family in risk situation.

Author Biography

  • Moneda Oliveira Ribeiro
    Enfermeira Profa. Dra. do Departamentç de Enfermagem Matemo-lnfantil e Psiquiátrica da Escola de Enfermagem da I Uiversidade de SãoPaulo


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Original Research