
  • Deise Matos do Ampuro
  • Paola Biasoli Alces
  • Carmen J. Cárdenas



adolescence at risk, identity, belonging feelings.


Social projecta lo assist adolescente at risk situation need to pay particular attention to lhe belonging culture that is shared by them. This paper aims to present data from 21 care institutions and 48 adolescents at risk situation assisted by programs from the Administrative Regions of Brasília – Taguatinga and Ceilândia –, Federal District, Brazil. It proposes characterizing the institutions’ social and ethical commitment and identifying characteristics of the adolescents’ representations of personal, family and social belonging that can contribute to their identity constitution. We believe that these system indicators favor the constitution of social-affective supporting networks that promote health. The data were analyzed in an integrated model with descriptive statistic aspects, quantitative-interpretative analysis, and content analysis by means
of the Sof~ware ALCESTE.


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