
  • Micheli H. Nakaura
  • Paulo A. Riheiro
  • Mônica R. S. Porto




children’s development, manual prehension.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the development of manual prehension in infants from 4 to 12 months of age who spend most of their time in institutions (private and municipal
nurseries), analyzing whether there is a delay in prehension development or not, and what are the possible factors that may be interfering in the development. Evaluation of manual prehension development was not found in the literature, as far as the items analyzed in this study are concerned. Thus, the evaluation was based on the literature considering prehension development and the age of the children. Sixty-eight boys and girls from 4 to 12 months of age were evaluated and divided into three groups: A, B, and C. The results showed that the children from institutions presented a delay in manual prehension development in most of the analyzed items. Taking into account the environment and the routine of these children, it was possible to notice that there was lack of space, toys and tactile and sensory-perceptive stimuli that could help in the acquisition of new prehension and object handling patterns. Physiotherapists, therefore, have an important role in the prevention of this problem. Their job concerns the transmission of their knowledge related to children development, particularly manual prehension, analyzing and observing the needs of each child so that they can interfere, when necessary, and minimize or avoid deficits in children’s manual abilities.

Author Biographies

  • Micheli H. Nakaura
    Graduada em fisioterapia em 2003 pela UNIBAN-MC; especializando em Fisioterapia Pneumofuncional da irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo
  • Paulo A. Riheiro
    Diretor clinico da Cenin-Clinica e Cirurgia Pediátrica; docente da UNIBAN; mestre em Biociência Aplicada UNIBAN; médico da Secretaria de Saúde de São Paulo.
  • Mônica R. S. Porto
    Diretora clínica do NDTI - Núcieo de Desenvolvimento Terapêutico integrado; mestre em Distúrbios do Desenvolvhnento/Mackenzie; doutpranda da FMUSP


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