
  • Elaine Costa-Fernandez



expert psychologist, intercultural, mission, justice.


Continuing with our reflections on the hypothesis of a cultural distance between the psychologist’s discourse and the judge’s discourse, we analyze in detail this paradoxical injunction,
divided between ghost and reality, ethics and evidences. Is it compatible to be in the service of a magistrate, respect the contradictions and preserve the subject’s interests? What is the impact of this injunction on the examined subject? How can this position “between-two” be conceptualized? The present article questions the intervention of the clinical psychologist in a context that is, at the same ~ime, judiciary and pluri-ethnic, presenting some cases. By articulating the psychosocial bond between subject and society - ensuring the passage from one logic to the other; maintaining the connection between them; allowing a stop in which the subject can live a previous fundamental experience - ali these moments enable the establishment of an opening for reflection as the generator of subjectivation.

Author Biography

  • Elaine Costa-Fernandez
    Doutora em psicologia, mestre de conferênc ia associada à Universidade de Toulouse le Mirail, perito psicólogo.


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Case Study