Instruments of Assessment for First Two Years of Life of Infant


  • Rafaela Silva Moreira Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.
  • Elyonara Mello de Figueiredo Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.


Palabras clave:

child development, infant, assessment, reproducibility of tests, physioterapy


Introduction: the developmental assessment of infants seeks to identify and classify early developmental delay and /or schedule an intervention. This assessment is considered inefficient when performed only by professional clinical judgment. Thus there are numerous assessment scales to help professionals in this process, requiring a greater knowledge of their advantages and disadvantages. Objectives: to identify and analyze instruments used for assessment of infant development from zero to two years old. Methods: a search was made in the most important databases in the area, in the manual of the instruments used for evaluation and books of Pediatric Physical Therapy. The following data of each standardized instrument were extracted: general characteristics, psychometrics, theoretical basis of each instrument, validity of the instruments for Brazilian children and accessibility of the instruments to the physiotherapist in Brazil. Results: articles about TIMP, DUBOWITZ, MAI, AIMS and BAYLEY-III were selected. The TIMP presents the best indices of reliability and sensitivity for the evaluation of pre-term infants in the four first months of life, however it takes long time to apply and depends on the emotional state of the infant. DUBOWITZ is an instrument that is easy and quick to use although it is not easily found in Brazil. The literature suggests a reevaluation of the MAI instrument as it presents limited psychometric properties, especially a poor validity of construct. AIMS proved to have the best psychometric properties and conditions for clinical use. Bayley III is one the best instruments with high psychometric properties, however it is not of common use in Brazil probably because of the high cost of its application kit. Conclusion: for pre-term infants up to 4 months the TIMP seems to be the instrument of choice, but for longer follow-up up to 18 months, AIMS is the best option, and above this age the Bayley-III scale is adequate as it presents very good psychometric properties.


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