History of science and interdisciplinarity: some examples





historical narrative, scientific divulgation, self-consistency, active learning.


A course of Initiation to Scientific Thought, structured and taught at the University Open to the Third Age of USP gave rise to this vision of a History of Science in the perspective of its development in the West, with the purpose of Scientific Dissemination to lay public and also as didactic text. Topics that introduce the conceptual bases and the interdisciplinarity existing in the Exact Sciences are presented, focusing on self-consistency in the content of knowledge, using historical narratives, without excess of academic formalism. The differences between Knowledge and Science, the evolution of the concepts of Mechanics and Astronomy, from antiquity to Newton, and from Mathematics to the 17th century are discussed. Next, the union of Physics with Chemistry at the turn of the 19th century is discussed. century, defining the Exact Sciences. Comments on Scientific Methodology and Interdisciplinarity in the Natural Sciences close the text.


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Author Biography

  • Lia Queiroz do Amaral, Instituto de Física da USP

    Departamento de Física Aplicada

    área: fisica da Materia Condensada





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How to Cite

Amaral, L. Q. do. (2018). History of science and interdisciplinarity: some examples. Khronos, 5, 23. https://doi.org/10.11606/khronos.v0i5.143818