The modern city of São Paulo and the diseases of progress, 1930-1970




City of Sao Paulo, Modernity, Progressive diseases, Medical practices ans public health


The study presented here has as central axis of analysis the relationship established between the city of São Paulo from the 1930s, when it is seen in frank process of metropolization with contours of a certain modernity, including not only urban and population reconfigurations, but also coping with new and old illnesses that took the scene and helped explain the city, from the so-called "diseases of progress." With them on the agenda of medical and health authorities, but especially in the lives of their citizens, it is possible to understand the design of the city and the place of individuals, a central notion of the edges that would make up the so-called "modernity of São Paulo".


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Author Biography

  • Andre Mota, Universidade de São Paulo

    He graduated in History from the Dept. of History, FFLCH-USP in 1994, and developed his PhD project between 1995-2001 defending the thesis: "Stumbling of bandeirante medicine, São Paulo, 1892-1920". Between 2006-2008, he received a FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship, developing his research project, "Corporate and Technological Changes in Medicine in Brazil: The Case of São Paulo between 1930-1950", with the Department of Preventive Medicine, FMUSP. Currently, he is dedicated to the study and research of the history of Brazilian Collective Health and its particularity in the State of São Paulo. He is a Professor of the Department of Preventive Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP) and Coordinator of the Historical Museum of the Faculty of Medicine (USP).





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How to Cite

Mota, A. (2018). The modern city of São Paulo and the diseases of progress, 1930-1970. Khronos, 6, 30.