The history of medical techniques from illustrations on ancient Egyptian papyri


  • Rosangela de Almeida Pertile Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Instituto de Bioquímica Médica



History of Science, Egyptian Medicine, History of Medicine, History of Knowledge, Historiography


What do we see when we observe an object? What stories are told? Can an object analyzed in the light of the history of science provide us with evidence of the history of linguistics or art history of the society to which it belongs? When we analyze an object, we see it in a fragmented vision, according to the history presented. Each discipline has its specific narrative, usually not considering other historiographies.  As a case study, we evaluated the medical procedures described in the Egyptian papyrus called Smith and Ebers of the period between 1600 and 1500 B.C., establishing a link between the history of science and the history of other fields of knowledge.


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Dossier “Arts, History of Sciences and Techniques: Interactions”

How to Cite

Pertile, R. de A. (2020). The history of medical techniques from illustrations on ancient Egyptian papyri. Khronos, 10, 79-88.