From Alchemy to Chemistry: the representation of alchemists in 17th century Netherlandish genre paintings

Philadelphia History of Science Center Eddleman and Fisher Collection


  • Maria Rita Guercio Universidade de São Paulo



History of science, Alchemy, Chemistry, Gender paintings, Science


The Eddleman and Fisher Collection of the Science History Institute from Philadelphia, introduce us the Netherlandish gender paintings from the 17th and 18th centuries and depict the everyday life of the context under several views as well document the perception that society had of the alchemists and iatrochemists during that period. The collection offer us the opportunity to reflect on this crucial moment of the history of scince and technology, when chemistry is about to be a discipline independent of alchemy and to become instituonalized as academic knowledge within Universities. 


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Dossier “Arts, History of Sciences and Techniques: Interactions”

How to Cite

Guercio, M. R. (2020). From Alchemy to Chemistry: the representation of alchemists in 17th century Netherlandish genre paintings: Philadelphia History of Science Center Eddleman and Fisher Collection. Khronos, 10, 65-78.