Medicine and Pharmacy at Father Affonso da Costa's Árvore da Vida [...] (Goa, Eighteenth-century)


  • Vitória Marchetto Universidade Estadual Paulista



Potuguese India, Eighteenth-century, medicine, pharmacy, Jesuits


The Portuguese arrival in the East put these men in contact with new cultures and traditions and introduced them to new elements of the Asian natural world. In the eighteenth-century Goa, the high mortality and diseased rates showed the need to expand the European medical knowledge, established as standard in Estado da Índia. Therefore, the European healers, especially the Jesuits acting in this field, faced the opportunity to expand the technics and recipes under their domain, since they now have access to knowledge and ingredients not only from Portuguese Asia, but from other places under Portuguese rule.


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Author Biography

  • Vitória Marchetto, Universidade Estadual Paulista

    Barachel and Degree in History from the Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (FCHS / UNESP - Franca). He has experience in the field of History, with an emphasis on Modern History. Master's degree in History at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP, Brazil.
    Advisor: Ana Carolina de Carvalho Viotti. Keywords: Medical-pharmaceutical practices; Portuguese India. Major Area: Human Sciences


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How to Cite

Marchetto, V. (2022). Medicine and Pharmacy at Father Affonso da Costa’s Árvore da Vida [...] (Goa, Eighteenth-century). Khronos, 13, 82-105.