Styrian refining at Ipanema Ironworks: gestures engendering crystals in 1885


  • Fernando J. G. Landgraf Universidade de São Paulo
  • Paulo Eduardo Martins Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Ipanema Ironworks, Refining, archaeometallurgy, chemical signature


The production of wrought iron bars at Ipanema Ironworks is examined based on the description written by Dupré, in 1884, about the refining process used there, and by the microstructural analysis of samples obtained in the collections of Museu Nacional, in Rio de Janeiro, in 2014. Similar bars were used in the Brazilian railroads of the 19 Century. The microstructural inhomogeneities observed in those bars are similar to those described in the international literature about contemporary pieces. It is possible to correlate the chemical composition of the iron ore used at Ipanema to the composition of crystals found in the slag inclusions, becoming a viable parameter to establish a “chemical signature” of the bars there made.


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Author Biographies

  • Fernando J. G. Landgraf, Universidade de São Paulo

    He holds a degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Centro Universitário da FEI (1976), a master's degree (1987), a doctorate (1992) and Associate Professorship (2007) in Metallurgical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo; is a professor at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo. He worked for 29 years as a researcher at the Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas de São Paulo, until 2005. He took over the Institute's Innovation Directorate (July 2009 to August 2012), and was IPT's Chief Executive Officer between 2012 and 2018. institution in increasing revenue associated with innovation. As a researcher and professor, he works in the area of ​​Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, with an emphasis on the relationship between the microstructure and the magnetic behavior of engineering materials and on particle processing, by powder metallurgy and additive manufacturing (3D printing). Since 2010, he has also investigated the history of metallurgy in Brazil, with an emphasis on archaeological microstructural analysis.

  • Paulo Eduardo Martins , Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    He holds a degree in History with complementation in Anthropology and Sociology from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (1981), a Master's in Social Sciences Applied to Education from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1988), a postdoctoral fellow in the Teaching and History of Earth Sciences at the Institute of Geosciences of the University of Campinas. Collaborator in archeometallurgical research at the Laboratory of Microstructural Characterization "Hubertus Colpaert" of the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (PMT), of the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo. 1st and 2nd grade history teacher in public and private schools in the state of São Paulo, from 1977 to 1983. Knowledge and experience in paleography and transcription and editing of handwritten documents.


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How to Cite

Landgraf, F. J. G., & Paulo Eduardo Martins. (2022). Styrian refining at Ipanema Ironworks: gestures engendering crystals in 1885. Khronos, 13, 1-44.

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