From systemic illness to local illness: Analysis of the study on the genesis of tumors in the work of Claude Gendron (1701)


  • Bernardo Ternus de Abreu Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Rosemari Lorenz Martins Universidade Feevale
  • Caio Francisco Ternus de Abreu Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos



illness, local, systemic, medicine, tumors


This article presents an analysis of the work Sur la Nature et la Guerison des Cancers (1701), by the French physician Claude Gendron, published in Paris. The point of attention lies in his analysis of tumor genesis, which partially distances himself from humoralism, which was based on the interruption of humoral flow to adopt a more local perspective, according to which tumors resulted from the transformation of local and of the composition of hard doughs as a result of their loss of function. As we tried to demonstrate, the shift from a more systemic to a local approach, however, did not follow an abandonment of humoralist categories, as pointed out by works in the history of medicine. The sources consulted were French and Spanish medical treatises between 1690 and 1720, compared with bibliography on the subject.


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How to Cite

Abreu, B. T. de, Martins, R. L., & Abreu, C. F. T. de. (2023). From systemic illness to local illness: Analysis of the study on the genesis of tumors in the work of Claude Gendron (1701). Khronos, 14, 76-92.