Thematic Issue 38/1: Dialogues of Bakhtin's Work and the Circle with Other Theories and Areas of Knowledge


The work of Mikhail Bakhtin and the Circle was produced between the late 1910s and 1975, the year of Mikhail Bakhtin's death. This period was marked by epistemological innovations in the fields of philosophy, literary theory, linguistics, education, etc., which was originated, among other factors, from intersections between different areas of knowledge and theories. The work of Mikhail Bakhtin and the Circle is a concrete example that statements, including those of the scientific sphere, are constituted primarily, but not exclusively, in dialogue with other statements within the same field. These intersections will be the object of reflection in this thematic issue along two main axes:

1) The investigation of theoretical bibliographic sources derived from different theories (Marxism, philosophical idealism, linguistic idealism of Humboldt, Russian and Western European formalism, phenomenology, religious philosophy, etc.). The works in this axis should address how the perception of the sources of Bakhtinian ideas is fundamental to their understanding, i.e., how knowledge of these works illuminates aspects of Bakhtin's and the Circle's theory. Due to the complexity of the theories involved, authors are expected to propose in-depth and detailed studies on an author, a work, or a fundamental theory in the constitution of Bakhtinian thought;

2) Considering that, in contemporary times, Bakhtinian theory has come into contact with different areas of knowledge and theories, the works submitted in this axis should highlight the contributions of the work of Mikhail Bakhtin and the Circle to these areas and theories. Emphasis is placed in this axis on the contemporary concept of transdisciplinarity, in which an area of knowledge is constituted by the displacement of concepts from different areas. In this context, the aim is to address how Bakhtinian theory contributes to domains assumedly interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary, such as education and applied linguistics in Brazil.


Linha D’Água accepts submissions in Portuguese, English, French, or Spanish. This journal is indexed in: Web of Science - Clarivate (ESCI), MLA, MIAR, Latindex, REDIB, Linguistic Bibliography, DOAJ, among others.


Submission deadline: June 30, 2024.

Estimated publication: April 2025.


To access the submission guidelines, click on


Guest Editor:

Sheila Vieira de Camargo Grillo
Diálogo Research Group (USP/CNPq)
University of São Paulo, Brazil




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