Can things speak? From a painting by Rembrandt to a poem by Montale


  • Luís Felipe Ferrari University of São Paulo



Still-life, Description, Eugenio Montale, Rembrandt


This essay compares two works of art that exemplify markedly different genres and contexts: a still-life painting from the 17th century and a poem from the first decades of the 20th century. The comparison, proceeding from a perceived structural affinity between the works, intends to shed some light on a form centered on the representation of objects removed from human action and interaction. This analysis will try to underscore the tensions related to this structure (depth of objectivity or annihilation of the subject, discovery of the material and cultural significance of an object or tendency towards abstraction?), pointing out some of the contradictory values that description, considered as an artistic technique, might have.


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Author Biography

  • Luís Felipe Ferrari, University of São Paulo

    Luís Felipe Ferrari é mestrando junto ao departamento de Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada da Universidade de São Paulo. Atualmente desenvolve um projeto sobre o teatro de T. S. Eliot, com bolsa concedida pelo CNPq. Contato:


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Ensaios de Curso

How to Cite

Ferrari, L. F. (2023). Can things speak? From a painting by Rembrandt to a poem by Montale. Magma, 19, 178-194.