Looking and Touching Oneself, Looking and Touching, Being Looked at and Being Touched: Subversion of Binary Categories in A Mulher no Espelho, by Helena Parente Cunha and Las Ninfas a Veces Sonríen, by Ana Clavel


  • Ana Paula Magalhaes da Silva University of Alberta




Autobiographical fiction, Autoeroticism, Self-contemplation, Helena Parente Cunha, Ana Clavel


Mulher no Espelho (HELENA PARENTE CUNHA 1985) and Las Ninfas a Veces Sonríen (ANA CLAVEL, 2013), are works that, despite having great thematic and formal differences, in addition to belonging to specific socio-historical contexts, contain significant affinities that allow a fruitful comparative reading. First, by the fact that both literary works fragment the narrative as well as the autobiographical subject, pillars of the autobiographical fiction, a literary subgenre which these novels simultaneously adopt and subvert. Secondly, for the central position episodes of autoeroticism occupy in both narratives, events which are either accompanied or preceded by self-contemplative scenes in front of the mirror, occurrences which I interpret as allegories of the fragmentation of the subject and the narrative form mentioned above. That said, in this work I argue that the perspective presented in the scenes of autoeroticism in front of the mirror is exemplary of the consequent duplication/multiplication of the subject and the narrative, contaminating the entire story and destabilizing not only a possible unique writing but also a unique reading, ending up also affecting the reader.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Paula Magalhaes da Silva, University of Alberta

    Ana Magalhães, doutoranda em Cinema e Estudos Culturais na Universidade de Alberta, Canadá, e minha pesquisa se concentra no cinema brasileiro produzido durante a ditadura militar (1964-1985) e, em particular, como essa forma se relaciona com a representação da sexualidade, do desejo e questões de gênero. Ana tem vasta experiência apresentando trabalhos sobre o cinema da exploração no Brasil e, atualmente, escreve um artigo que aborda o papel da sexualidade nas adaptações cinematográficas de clássicos da literatura brasileira na década de 1970. 


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How to Cite

Silva, A. P. M. da. (2023). Looking and Touching Oneself, Looking and Touching, Being Looked at and Being Touched: Subversion of Binary Categories in A Mulher no Espelho, by Helena Parente Cunha and Las Ninfas a Veces Sonríen, by Ana Clavel. Magma, 19, 162-176. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2448-1769.mag.2023.213985