La Douleur e a Compreensão do Contemporâneo




Testimonial Literature, Contemporary, Marguerite Duras, Hannah Arendt, and Giorgio Agamben


This paper intends to analyze briefly Marguerite Duras’ La Douleur specially concerning its character of testimonial literature, as a literature bound to the self and to the world. For this analysis, we will depart from an articulation between the treatment given by Giorgio Agamben to the contemporary and the one given by Hannah Arendt to the faculty of thinking between past and future; secondly, the work will raise a question about the kind of understanding brought by Duras’ La Douleur on the world and the “self” that narrates its experiences, and finally we will consider the way by which the book reaches such understanding


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Author Biography

  • Laura Degaspare Monte Mascaro, Universidade de São Paulo
    Graduada em Direito (2007) e Mestre pelo departamento de Filosofia e Teoria Geral do Direito da Faculdade de Direito da USP (2011). Doutoranda em Literatura Francesa na Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP.


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How to Cite

Mascaro, L. D. M. (2015). La Douleur e a Compreensão do Contemporâneo. Magma, 22(12), 123-144.