Alimentação e Tabus Alimentares no Egito Antigo

Pode-se Tratar de Vegetarianismo?


  • Cintia Alfieri Gama-Rolland ECole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Museu Nacional e Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas



Food, Vegetarianism, Religion, Taboo


This short article intends to present, in general lines, the Egyptian nourishing habits, their sources of vegetable and, mainly, foods of animal origin, aiming to demonstrate to what extent one may establish an ancient Egyptian vegetarianism. Themes such as gardens and orchards will be approached, as well as the use of cereals, meats and fishes available for nourishment, and food taboos, which could be either of animal or vegetable origin. To approach such taboos, we will advance into the ancient Egyptian religion and its relation to food, both in the world of the living and in the post mortem.


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Author Biography

  • Cintia Alfieri Gama-Rolland, ECole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Museu Nacional e Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas

    Arqueologia do Mediterraneo antigo



Fontes Primárias

Hérodote. Histoires. Livre II «Euterpe». Texte établi et traduit par Philippe E. Legrand. Première Edition 1930. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1982.

Plutarque. Isis et Osiris. Traduction Mario Meunier. Troisième édition. Paris: L’artisan du livre, 1924.

Bibliografia Crítica

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How to Cite

Alimentação e Tabus Alimentares no Egito Antigo: Pode-se Tratar de Vegetarianismo?. (2019). Mare Nostrum, 10(1), 77-91.