Vegetarianismo en la Grecia Antigua


  • Alberto Bernabé Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Vegetarianism, Greek philosophy, Greek religion, Orphism, Pythagoreanism


In Greece, there were forms of vegetarianism. Never as a simple dietary option, but obeying philosophical or religious principles. The proposals of the Orphics, the Pythagoreans and Empedocles are studied, pointing out the analogies and differences between them. All share the belief in the transmigration of souls, but while for the Orphics and Empedocles transmigration is the result of a punishment for a sin related to the shedding of blood, for the Pythagoreans it seems to be a mere condition for the maintenance of life in the universe. On the other hand, while for the Pythagoreans and Empedocles vegetarianism seems to be consistent with the idea that the soul can transmigrate to animals and, therefore, postulate a solidarity among all animate beings, it seems that the Orphics only very late postulate the transmigration of souls between humans and animals, so the fundamental reason for abstaining from meat is to avoid the shedding of blood. It also examines the political use that the Athenians make of the myth of the introduction of cereal cultivation by Demeter.


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