Plutarch and the Lagids: Representation and Imperial Advertising


  • Felipe Aiala de Mello Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil



Plutarco, Vidas Paralelas, Lág, Oriente, Propaganda Imperial


This article seeks to analyze the representations of the Lagids and the Orient forged by Plutarch in Parallel Lives. Speaking from the point of view of a citizen of a Greek polis (Queroneia), who lived under Roman rule, Plutarch reconfigures facts, data and history itself, with his biographical writing that is simultaneously strategically dramatic, theatrical, emotional and moralizing. This article intends to show that Plutarch, forging the representation of the Ptolemaic dynasty, does so from an imperialist and orientalist perspective, following Roman ideology. The main analytical categories used to produce this text are imperialism, orientalism, and representation/identity. The methodology used in the analysis is based on the traditional form of the historian's work, that is, the internal and external criticism of the sources, combined with content analysis. We see that Plutarch, based on stereotyped oppositional dichotomies supported by Hellenic precepts, subordinates the Lagids and the Orient in favor of a supposed superiority based on a cultural and moral hierarchy, like in the Roman propaganda.


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Author Biography

  • Felipe Aiala de Mello, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil

    Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, mestre em História pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Pesquisador do MAAT-UFRN (Grupo de Estudo de História Antiga).



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How to Cite

Plutarch and the Lagids: Representation and Imperial Advertising. (2021). Mare Nostrum, 12(2), 279-301.