Make an effort to please: tips for a successful employee according to Randstad and Tempo-Team


  • José Nuno Matos Universidade de Lisboa



work, social network, recruitment, curriculum vitae, coach


New forms of production and their demands have introduced profound changes in the world of work and, of course, in the worker. Once selected by the strength of the muscles and / or merely by their technical knowledge, the worker of today is required to embody a broader set of qualities which require the mobilization of personality traits and sociability. The aim of this article lies in understanding the content of the correct and necessary contribution that every worker should develop. We focus our study, firstly, on the behaviour of the worker in the recruitment process and, later, in the relationship with his colleagues and boss. Based on press articles and videos published on the Facebook page of Randstad and Tempo-Team, we will analyse these grids of intelligibility that should guide the conduct of every worker.



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Author Biography

  • José Nuno Matos, Universidade de Lisboa
    Licenciado e mestre em Ciência Política pelo Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa (ISCSP-UTL), é doutor em sociologia pelo Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (ICS-UL) com a tese O Operário em Construção: das Relações Humanas ao Trabalho Temporário. Encontra-se presentemente a desenvolver um projeto de pós-doutoramento em torno da relação entre a prática jornalística e a precariedade. Tem dedicado os seus estudos às questões do trabalho, do sindicalismo e dos movimentos sociais.



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How to Cite

Make an effort to please: tips for a successful employee according to Randstad and Tempo-Team. (2016). Novos Olhares, 5(2), 62-73.