Modos de ver, formas de pensar

una genealogía de la posvisión


  • Josep Maria Català Domènech Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació



Complexity, Interactive Documentary, Interface, Film, Post-vision


The current digitization processes reveal the profound transformation of human vision that has been taking place underground since the advent of photography almost two hundred years ago. The latest neo-avant-garde drifts of the cinema of the real, from interactive documentaries to virtual reality documentaries, point to the emergence of a post-vision that displaces the view beyond the optical and naturalistic collation: allied with technology, sight becomes an hermeneutic device fuelled by the confluence of the imagination with thought. Post-vision implies the transition from traditional seeing is believing to an expressive seeing is thinking, the bases of which Gilles Deleuze has already laid down when he stated that cinema was the image of thought.


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Author Biography

  • Josep Maria Català Domènech, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació

    Professor emeritus at the UAB. Fundesco essay award. Essay Award at the XXVII Literary Contest of the city of Irún. Award of the Spanish Association of Film Historians Is the author and editor of several books on visual studies, film and documentary. He has been dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the UAB and academic director of the Master of Creative Documentary at this same university.


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How to Cite

Modos de ver, formas de pensar: una genealogía de la posvisión. (2020). Novos Olhares, 9(1), 50-70.