Construction of Visuality of Sesinho Magazine: Encoding and Decoding in Six Decades of History


  • Silvio Ricardo Demétrio
  • Marlene Ferreira Royer Universidade de São Paulo



Sesinho magazine, Visuality, Coding and Decoding.


This paper analyzes the covers of the comics magazine Sesinho and the visual construction in different times, in the periods 1947\1960 and 2001\2011, using as theoretical method Stuart Hall’s model, that defines communication as
a structure that is created and sustained in the articulation of different but linked moments, that consists in the steps of production-circulation, distribution and absorption. In this process, the coding and decoding represent discursive practices of production of meaning, that can influence, entertain, instruct and persuade the receiver. This study’s object is the magazine Sesinho, created 65 years ago
by SESI – Serviço Social da Indústria and, even directed to children, its content is being absorbed by different generations. The magazine’s analysis was made with
selection of the material from different years, between 1940 and 1960, and the covers produced in the first decade of XXI century.


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Author Biographies

  • Silvio Ricardo Demétrio
    Graduado em Comunicação Social Jornalismo pelaUniversidade Estadual de Londrina (1994), mestrado em Ciências da Comunicaçãopela Universidade de São Paulo(2001), doutorado em Epistemologia da Pesquisa EmComunicação pela Universidade de São Paulo (2007). Professor adjunto daUniversidade Estadual de Londrina na graduação em Comunicação Social –Jornalismo /programa de mestrado em Comunicação Visual.
  • Marlene Ferreira Royer, Universidade de São Paulo

    Graduada em Comunicação Social – Habilitação Relações Públicas pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL). Especialista em Comunicação Empresarial e Mestranda em Comunicação Visual, pela mesma instituição, onde atua como professora colaboradora.






How to Cite

Construction of Visuality of Sesinho Magazine: Encoding and Decoding in Six Decades of History. (2013). Novos Olhares, 2(2), 94-103.