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Author Guidelines

Only texts with focus on the actor’s work will be accepted – both in the areas of Training and Creation. For more information see Focus and Scope of the magazine.

Contributions must be original and preferably unpublished If the work has been published in other means the author must submit a justification indicating clear grounds for a new publication in the "Comments to the Editor" submission form. The same procedure must be followed if the manuscript is being evaluated by another magazine.

Papers resulting from scientific initiation and master researches must be written and signed in partnership with their mentors.

For more information about the evaluation system see Peer Review Process.

To know the points that will be evaluated by the editors and appraisers during the selection refer to the Evaluation Criteria of Manuscripts.

The opinions and concepts expressed are sole responsibility of the authors.

The negotiation of cession of rights in the use of image, text or any other intellectual property of others is sole responsibility of the author accountable for the submission. It is understood that the author, by submitting his/her work, retains all rights not only to its use, as well as those relating to disclosure thereof in the magazine PesquisAtor.

The manuscript submission process will take place exclusively through the website of the magazine. To do so, writers interested in submitting papers must register in the system as AUTHOR and follow the steps for online submission.

It is possible for the author to follow the process of submission and paper evaluation through the website of the magazine, simply by accessing the system with username and password.

Sending the article already implies, in itself, permission for publication.

There is no pre-defined page limit for the size of the paper but, as evaluation criteria, coherence, clarity and conciseness of the text displayed will be observed.

Spelling, grammar and style reviews are sole responsibility of the authors. Papers submitted without revision or with poor revision will be refused.


The originals should be composed in Microsoft Word, RTF or OpenOffice. Warning, do not send files in DOCX format.

Format settings of texts:

• Use of double quotes to indicate emphasis;

• Use of italics for foreign words and titles of books and periodicals;

• URLS informed in the text;

• Images, graphs and tables in the text (with their credits shown);

• footnotes (for strictly necessary information only) numbered in Arabic numerals and included at the end of each page.

The presentation of the work must meet the following order:


• Title and subtitle (if any) typographically differentiated or separated by colons. Relevant information about the source of the work should appear in a footnote (indicated by asterisk).

• Name (s) of the author(s). The following information must appear in footnotes (indicated by asterisk): references of formation and professional and / or institutional binding in full; city, state and country of origin; information that qualify the author in the area of ​​knowledge of the paper; thanks (if any), source of fund or technical support to the development of the work, and e-mail contact.

• Summary in the language of the text. Mandatory element, consisting of a sequence of concise and objective sentences rather than a simple list of topics, not exceeding 300 words, followed, just below, by the words representing the content (keywords). This summary may be indicative (indicate only the document's main points, showing no qualitative, quantitative, etc.) or informative (tell the reader the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions of the paper).

• Key words in the language of the text (3-5). Mandatory element, must appear immediately below the abstract, preceded by the expression Keywords: and separated by semicolons and finished by a period.

Note: The abstract and key words in a foreign language will only be requested from the author when the work has been considered suitable for publication.


• Introduction. Initial part of the article where should be included the delineation of the subject, the research objectives and other elements necessary to situate the topic of the article.

• Development. The main part of the paper that contains an ordered exhibition of the subject. It is divided into sections and subsections, according to NBR 6024/2003, which may vary depending on the approach to the subject and method.

• Conclusion. Final part of the paper where conclusions related to the objectives and hypotheses are presented.

The illustrations (painting, graphic drawings, maps, flow charts, diagrams, charts, etc.) should have a minimum resolution of 300dpi. They should be inserted in the text (not the end of the document as an attachment).

Warning: do not forget to inform the sources of tables and credits of the images used.

Images: Resolution 300-600 dpi and size of 725X500 pixels.

Tables should be identified at the top and must follow the standards of the Normas de Apresentação Tabular of IBGE (1993).

Example: Table 1 -

Quotes should be indicated in the text, in brackets, according to the ABNT.

Examples: (SILVA, 2004, p. 96)

(OLIVEIRA, 2003, p. 21-36)

(BRAZIL, 2003, p. 26)

(THE EMERGING, 2002, p. 4-5)

Quotations in the text are transcribed in double quotation marks, in the case of direct or short textual quote, up to 3 lines, incorporated in the paragraph. In the case of direct or long text quote, with more than 3 lines, incorporated in an isolated paragraph, starting 4cm from the margin and without quotation marks.

The notes, restricted to a minimum, must appear at the end of the page (not at the end of the text).


• Bibliographical References. Mandatory element, form the set of information that enable the identification of publications mentioned in the paper. They must be related in a specific list which must include all sources effectively used to write the paper. It must obey the rules of ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Terms).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another magazine, otherwise the author presented his/her justifications in the "Comments to the editor."

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF or OpenOffice format and its extension is not DOCX.

  • URLs for references were informed when possible.
  • The text follows stylistic patterns and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, on the page About the Magazine.

    • To indicate highlighted terms "double quotation marks” are used ;

    • Italics are used for foreign words and titles of books and periodicals;

    • Urls are reported in the text;

    • Pictures, charts and tables have been inserted in the text (with due credit);

    • Footnotes are numbered in Arabic numerals and included at the end of each page.

    • Citations are indicated in the text, in brackets, according to ABNT.

    • The References follow the ABNT.

  • The author is aware that sending the article implies permission for its publication under the Copyright Notice.

  • The author is aware that the use of images, photographs, text or other media that represent  intellectual property of others is his/her sole responsibility and declares to have the appropriate authorization to use them in the PesquisAtor Magazine.


Política padrão de seção


Section dedicated to the dissemination of articles resulting from significant researches to the area of the magazine that imply in scientific questioning, such as master's degrees, doctorates (PHDs), thematic researches or research centers, based on empirical data. The section is also open for papers written by well known artists-pedagogues in the field of Performing Arts.

Experience Reports

Section dedicated to the dissemination of case studies, with conceptual analysis and description of procedures in the areas of interest of the magazine that also implies frictions in the field. Submissions are accepted in the following formats: reports on personal creative experience, reports on creative process, reports on acting research, short researches (such as scientific initiation – during graduate years) or notes on researches not yet completed but with partial results that can be communicated.

This section aims at broadening and increasing the circulation of information about ongoing research, providing a dynamic picture of the present situation and present brief reports on creative experiments which can dialogue with research field, contributing to the development of the area.


Section dedicated to the dissemination of researches on concepts and theoretical or historical constructs that question existing models, raise new hypotheses for the area or subsidize the creation and training processes of the actor.


Section dedicated to the dissemination of Reviews on literature that deals with the actor’s work.

Research Theatre

Special section created to promote research centers and theater groups working at the intersection between Theater and Research on the actor's work, ie, developing new aesthetic languages ​​through innovative proposals for the actor’s formation and training.


Section dedicated to the dissemination in Portuguese of reference texts on the actor's work originally published in other languages​​.


Section devoted to dialogue with professionals of Performing Arts whose life stories and professional achievements are relevant for understanding the history of the theater, themed toward the actor's work, creative processes, teaching and learning.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.