Scientific communication of Nerdologia's channel on YouTube


  • Manuella Vieira Reale Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Scientific communication, Nerdologia, YouTube


This research analyses different enunciation strategies and the regimes of meaning and interaction of Nerdologia’s videos. The object of study consists in Nerdologia channel on YouTube. The analysis of the enunciation of the syncretic text follows the theoretical current of sociosemiotics, based on Greimas (ano). Regarding scientific communication definition, Bueno (ano), Vogt (ano) and Lewestein (ano). In meaning and interaction regimes Landowski (ano), it is possible to see how destinators use strategic narratives to impel the construction of meaning along the destinee in order to accentuate the taste for science as an object of value.


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How to Cite

Scientific communication of Nerdologia’s channel on YouTube. (2023). Revista Estudos Culturais, 8, 103-127.