Being a historian of international relations. Dialogues with French and Italian schools


  • Alexandre Moreli Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Relações Internacionais
  • Carlo Patti Universidade Federal de Goiás



Historiography, History of International Relations, Amado Cervo, René Girault, Brunello Vigezzi


Professor Amado Cervo international experience was built on many collaborations, resulting in a diffused influence. In this text, we intend to remember these circulations and appropriations, evoking two important historiographical traditions to Professor Cervo: the French and the Italian. We thus seek to map a shared tradition on the history of international relations, briefly presenting readers with the state of the art resulting today.


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How to Cite

Being a historian of international relations. Dialogues with French and Italian schools. (2020). Intelligere, 10, 127-139.