Manifest for an economy with a moral sense and in the persistence of the search for social justice


  • Pascual Garcia Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja - Ecuador
  • Alfredo Rodriguez-Serrano Gobierno del Estado de Zacatecas



Oikonomia, Crematistics, Philosophy of morality, Theory of justice, Positive and negative freedom


The prevailing economic system has been able to reduce social gaps, there has been a broader scope, since the consolidation of the capitalist production system, much of humanity has been forced to live in conditions of precariousness, poverty and social injustice, leaving extreme end of threatening his own life. The large multinationals and governments that support their actions for their own benefit with the support of a large number of orthodox economists who have created a perverse economic system and economy, whose functions are to serve the ruling class by perpetuating its power through the use of creams. . instead of ethics and economics, the creation of mathematical models and the idea that growth and development are inclusive; The historical, ethical-philosophical origins of economic science, which advocated for social justice and the elimination of economic and social inequalities, have been forgotten.

In this text, he makes a critical historical reflection of economics and its erroneous interpretation of crematistics and its performance statements in its mathematical modeling.


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Author Biography

  • Pascual Garcia, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja - Ecuador

    Dr. en Movilidad Humana por la Universidad de Valencia, Postdoctorado en migración y desarrollo por Dublin City University, Irlanda. Profesor Tiempo completo Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja.


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How to Cite

Manifest for an economy with a moral sense and in the persistence of the search for social justice. (2020). Intelligere, 9, 39-67.