Becoming a Historian of International Relations in Brazil


  • Thiago Galvão Universidade de Brasília



History of International Relations, History of concepts, History of ideas, International Relations


Experiences, intersubjectivities and intertextualities between the author and Amado Luiz Cervo constituted a guiding thread in this narrative that aims to reaffirm at the same time the relevance of History for the study of International Relations and the historian's place as an internationalist.  Other main objective is to demonstrate the fact that we become part of the social fabric, with representativeness, significance, and identity, only by living in a complex entanglement of emotional, psychological, and institutional relationships. Amado Cervo is the main character of this narrative, an ideal type that inspires generations of intellectuals. From an autobiographical point of view it is possible to shade some light on defining elements of the trajectory and career of the historian of International Relations in Brazil, such as living the international, drawing up a map of actions, looking at the world through critical lenses, capturing times, preserving memories and thinking about the future.


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How to Cite

Becoming a Historian of International Relations in Brazil. (2020). Intelligere, 10, 162-177.